Saad Naik

Founder and Managing Director of Godwin Austen Labs

The kind of person I am

Tough but Fair. I am not the person you call when you need a hug, I'm the person you call when you want to win. My purpose is not earning money or delivering results, it's to set an extraordinary goal, achieve it and then set a new one. Rinse and Repeat.

My Top Skills

Winning, and again winning Although I have extensive knowledge of Web-development, Business and Marketing my speciality is to tell people what they want to hear and convince them on anything, some call it the art of negotiation and that is exactly what led me here among corporate giants in such a young age. If I choose to work with you, you are in good hands.

The one thing I appreciate

Loyalty, loyalty is the only thing I expect from anyone. When I work with people, I work in good faith and I expect the same. Loyalty is a two way road, you don't get it if you don't provide it.

Symphony of Timeless Influence

That's a line I quote everywhere & my philosophy behind this is that in the grand symphony of timeless influence, the experiences of people and life shape us, preparing us for whatever challenges come our way. I don’t just harness this ageless wisdom; I master it. Every client and project adds a unique edge to my expertise, pushing me to new heights.
We’re not just following the beat; we’re setting it, ensuring our clients and our team benefit from this timeless influence. Our success isn’t just a goal – it’s a guarantee.

Godwin Austen Labs

GA Labs is my biggest company and the most kick-ass marketing firm on the planet. The fact that we are new and don't have a lot of case studies to show doesn't change our confidence in ourself because what kind of service would you deliver if you yourself aren't confident about it. I started it in January 2023 and since then I've faced alot of troubles but still managed to keep delivering extraordinary services and creating a great brand reputation
Some services are as follows